Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Andrew Jackson Boon(e)

Andrew Jackson Boon

The following story was posted on a Boone family forum on the Rootsweb site back in November 1998. I want to share them for any family who wants them.


There are few documents to verify the family story on Andrew Jackson Boon.  Lucinda Jane (Boone) Varney, second great grandmother of Marsha Sylvester, (author of this article) outlived all the other children of Jackson and Sarah (Miller) Boon. Her story comes from two sources, the first source was a newspaper clipping written in August, 1930, and saved by her granddaughter Jessie I’Lee Epperson; the second source was a little journal from her grandson, William (Willie) Worth Alien. These sources have been combined.

Lucinda Jane (Boon) Varney was born in Obion County, Tennessee, August 9, 1840. When she was two or three years old her parents, Andrew Jackson Boon and Sarah Elizabeth (Miller) Boon, moved to Boone County by flat boat up the Mississippi River and the Missouri river to Boonville and later to Moniteau County adjoining Boone County where they lived for eight years. When Lucinda was ten years old the family moved to Livingston County. Their livestock was two yoke of oxen and two milk cows. Two other wagons with them on this move went on up into Iowa.

They settled northeast of Springhill, which then was larger than Chillicothe which had only a tavern, two trading posts and a few log houses.

Her grandfather was a cousin to famous frontiersman, Daniel Boone, and many times Lucinda heard her father tell of the famous pioneer coming to his home to go “bar” hunting when Lucinda’s father was a boy.

When Lucinda was about twelve her father died and she tells how she and her sister Mary, with the help of oxen pulled logs out of the woods and helped tend the crops. Her mother lived to rear the family and to get married again to Reverend James Turner, May 13, 1860 (Livingston County, MO, Volume 1 page 31).

Sarah (Miller) Boon died in the 1860’s and she and Andrew Jackson Boon were buried in the Canady (Kennedy) Cemetery east side of the old Curtis farm and ¼ mile northeast of the Henry Caddell’s place. Andrew Jackson Boon’s grave was marked by a big old cedar tree that was planted by Lucinda. Near the grave are two head stones marked Newton and Nancy Cincid.

Jackson and Sarah Boon’s eight children were:

1.       Mary Eliza (8,10,1839) born in Tennessee, married June 24, 1856 to Benjamin Franklin Gibbs in Livingston County. Marriage Record Vol. 1 Page 19. Mary died in her twenties.
2.       Lucinda Jane (8,9,1840-8,31,1934) was married December 9, 1859 to William Hawkins Varney, they had ten children.
3.       Lucrecy Eliza (5,6,1842) was born in Tennessee. She was married to William Hughes and died after giving birth to her third child when she was not over thirty years old.
4.       Andrew C. (8,19,1844-2,26,1922) married Martha Asbury Brassfield on October 28, 1865. They had eleven children.
5.       John Daniel (8,25, 1846-8,4,1913) was born in Moniteau County, Missouri. He married Hester Mariah Turner on February 4, 1869. They had nine children.
6.       William Henry (4,2,1848-1,24, 1924) married Nancy Jane Turner on March 14, 1865. They had nine children.
7.       Jackson Melven (3,1,1850) married Mrs. Delaney E. Kirby on February 4, 1889.
8.       Sarah Elizabeth (4, 1, 1852) married Isham B. Weaver, on October 3, 1867. They had five children.

The names and birth dates of the children of Andrew Jackson Boon as recorded by him on the fly leaves of a book of the life of Benjamin Franklin 1825

It is written that Sarah (Miller) Boon had a brother, William Henry Miller, and a sister, Jane (Miller) Tidy.

Submitted by Marsha Sylvester

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